Baby Boomers

Why Social Media is Worth Logging Into

November 2, 2020 • Fenny Peiffer

Why Social Media Is Worth Logging Into

Many would argue that social media and the world wide web has taken the personal touch out of how we communicate, but let’s face it, it’s our preferred mode of sharing with one another. Popular sites like Facebook may have started out as a platform for college alumni to stay in touch, but we’re finding it’s not just millennials planning high school reunions, and posting spring break photos. According to a Pew Research study, over 60 percent of social media users are 65 or better, and this generation is proving to be the most tech-savvy group yet.

Even though society has become all about instant gratification when it comes to connecting with long lost friends, or grandkids, having it all right at our fingertips may not be such a bad idea after all. One thing the internet is great at is bridging the geographic gap for older adults living apart from their families, and friends. Granted it doesn’t replace physical contact, but having videos, or pictures posted right away whether it’s a birth announcement, or a piano recital gets grandparents involved even when they can’t be there.

Social media and dating sites are fantastic outlets for 55+ singles looking for a way to connect and meet like-minded individuals. Movies like You’ve Got Mail were some of the first silver screen examples of how finding love in cyberspace can be a great way to mingle, and have fun. From seniors only dating forums to mobile messaging apps, social media has made the online dating scene easier than ever for baby boomers to find that special someone.

Outside of making connections, jumping onto sites like Twitter or Facebook can be a self-esteem booster, and improve overall brain health. Studies have shown that continuously challenging the mind increases the brain’s elasticity to keep memory sharp, and improve hand, eye coordination. Seniors living alone can benefit from the motivational aspect of social media because it gives them something to look forward to, and the opportunity to share similar interests with others.

Lifelong learning centers and 55+ communities all over the country offer computer classes for older adults excited to explore the web and make new friends. From joining a hobby group to video chatting with family, social media has become the universal vehicle for how boomers are getting connected.

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