Food and Nutrition

You Are What You Eat

January 20, 2021 • admin

Healthy foods for seniors

Maintaining that youthful glow and feeling energized begins with what we put on our plates. Focusing on whole foods and eating a wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables can help reduce heart disease, lower cholesterol, and boost overall health inside and out.

Let’s talk packaged processed foods for a moment: We’ve all seen those packages that promise only 100 calories per serving, are fat-free, sugar-free, low carb, and the list goes on. Let me tell you that if you can’t pronounce the ingredients on the label, chances are our bodies will have a tough time too. In fact, did you know that foods like this are designed to increase cravings and cause overeating? Who wants that?

So what does food have to do with aging and mental health? According to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, dietary changes such as reducing trans and saturated fats, and bulking up on fresh fruit and vegetables can help prevent Alzheimer’s Disease when paired with heart-healthy exercise. Blueberries for example are little powerhouses of nutrition packed with antioxidants such as anthocyanin which helps fight free radicals in the body, vitamin C, and fiber. Besides being able to dive into a big bowl of sweet berries and feel good about it? Yes, please!

Eating the rainbow is as easy as a visit to your local produce department or farmers’ market. Most towns also offer a Community Supported Agriculture program or CSA, providing fresh produce and sometimes organic eggs and meats, delivered right to your door! This can be an exciting way to incorporate new foods into your diet if you’re unable to do your own shopping.

Including plant-based foods, every day along with a physician-guided wellness program can get you out there embracing health and doing what you love!

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