3 Questions to Answer Before Retiring

Lifestyles Retirement Guides

Most of us, plan for retirement. We scrimp and save and build up our nest egg and hope it will be enough to spend our retirement days in luxury and leisure. But, have we really saved enough? Sometimes, not questioning certain things can mess up all your retirement plans. So, here are a few questions you should answer before retiring.


Have you Saved Enough to Cover the Unexpected?

When we plan for retirement, we never consider the unexpected. We plan for paying the bills and the occasional holiday. But, what about the unexpected? What if you live for longer than you planned? Can you handle the financial challenges if this happens? How will you live if you spend your nest egg? Will you be able to handle it if you fall ill and need to stay in a hospital? Make adequate preparations for these unexpected occurrences. If not, your retirement can be an extremely difficult one.


How Realistic are your Expectations for the Future?

With advanced age, comes knowledge. You may be knowledgeable about many things. But, how knowledgeable are you about being a retiree? Do you know what life is like once you are retired? No matter how much you may read up on being a retiree, you will not know what it is like until you retire. So, face reality and come to terms with your future. Your life is about to change drastically. Somewhere along the road, you may lose your independence, you may have to ask for assistance. Plan for these changes and you will be better prepared to handle them.


Are you Really Ready to Retire?

Life is about to change. There is no doubt about it. The hectic pace will slow down; you will find more free time to take it easy. But, are you ready for it? Some retirees find retirement, not everything it is cracked up to be. You will lose touch with work associates and friends. You will have no reason to get out of bed. Before long, you will start feeling bored and depressed. This is a bad place to be. So, be ready for retirement. Make every day count. It’s all in how you look at life that makes retirement a time of great happiness.

Retirement, like aging, is inevitable. How you live, is all about how you plan for it. Good planning, organization, and mindset are the best ways to enjoy retirement.

This article is by ActiveAdultLiving.com®, the website for all your retirement communities information.