Benefits of massage to seniors

Massage is Not Just a Touch of Luxury But a Healthy Therapy

Most often, when someone talks about a massage, it is considered something of a luxurious activity to be indulged in and be pampered. However, a professional massage session can bring many health benefits that include the reduction of stress and the boosting of the immune system. Staying active is one of the key features of […]

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Taking Care of Mental Wellness with Reiki

Your mental health has a huge impact on your life. Good mental health ensures you are able to be a productive and happy person. You have a better self-image, better relationships, better sleep, and better physical health. Bottom line, to achieve an overall balance in your life, you need both physical wellness and mental wellness. […]

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Uncovering the Magic of Sedona

You’ll hear about people traveling from place to place in the pursuit of self-enlightenment, but wherever their road may lead, the red rocks of Sedona should undoubtedly be a stop along the way.  It’s one of those travel experiences that people can’t stop talking about and whether they were looking for a spiritual awakening, or […]

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