3 seniors walking to help strengthen their muscle

Health Tips for Seniors: How to Strengthen Aging Muscles

One of the greatest concerns associated with aging is the loss of muscle strength and tone. As we age, it becomes harder to keep our muscles healthy. These muscles get smaller and lose their density, decreasing the strength in our muscles and increasing the likelihood of fracture if we fall. What we must realize is […]

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A Few Great Reasons to Consider for Living in an Active Adult Community

Your home may be feeling empty now that your children have left the nest to lead their own lives. You may be wondering what to do with your life and how to keep yourself occupied. One of the best ways to stay active and enjoy your new life of “no responsibilities” is to move into […]

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Taking Care of Mental Wellness with Reiki

Your mental health has a huge impact on your life. Good mental health ensures you are able to be a productive and happy person. You have a better self-image, better relationships, better sleep, and better physical health. Bottom line, to achieve an overall balance in your life, you need both physical wellness and mental wellness. […]

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