Consider Green Living in Retirement


Every little thing we do makes a significant impact on our environment. Many of us do not stop to think about the impact we make on our planet. However, it is never too late to consider the things you can do to make a contribution. If you are wondering how you can do so, here are a few ways you can contribute to green living.

Reduce the Carbon Foot Print – Whatever we do, in our daily lives, we contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Whether it is eating, traveling or living, we do cause a significant amount of damage to the environment. You can reduce carbon emissions by making wise choices at home and out. Recycle your garbage, live in a green community, and use eco-friendly cars. There are so many things you can do if you just think about it.

Send Ecards – The festive season is upon us, and one of the best ways you can contribute to green living in retirement is to send Ecards. This way, you ensure the cutting of fewer trees and reduce airmail service use. Just think, all it takes is one person to use this facility and it will double and treble in no time.

Save Energy – Now that winter is here, the heaters will be working at full throttle. Although you cannot live without the heater, you can contribute to green living by setting your thermostat a few degrees lower during the winter months. When summer comes by, set your thermostat a few degrees higher. This will not only contribute to green living, it will also save money.

Save Water – Many of us like nothing better than standing under the hot water showers during cold, winter days. If you wish to contribute to green living, spend less time under the shower and use lukewarm water. Lowering water use reduces your water and heating bills.

Walk or Bicycle – If you live close to your grocery store, you should consider walking or bicycling instead of driving. This helps you save gas and parking costs, and is also a healthy way to live.

We need our planet for our future generations. So, if you think it is too late for green living, remember it is never too late to think green.

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