
Keeping Pets Calm During New Year’s Eve Celebrations

December 27, 2023 • Fenny Peiffer

4 Dogs wearing party hats

For many of us, pets are not just animals but beloved family members. This holds especially true for seniors, for whom pets often provide companionship, comfort, and a sense of purpose. However, our customary celebrations, such as New Year’s Eve fireworks, can be terrifying for these furry friends. Pets, particularly those in their twilight years, may become frightened by the sudden, loud noises. Luckily, we have gathered some tips to help you offer a haven for your pet during these festive times.

Creating a Safe Environment

Photo sleeping cat on a massage towel

Firstly, establish a secure room for your pet that is quiet and comfortable. Choosing a room away from windows can minimize the noise and light from fireworks. Ensure that this safe space has all the necessities – food, water, toys, and bedding, to make your pet feel secure and comfortable.


Calming Treats and Supplements

Consider utilizing calming treats or supplements. Consult your vet about natural calming aids such as pet CBD oils or calming supplements. Remember to administer these well before the fireworks begin to ensure their effectiveness.


Indoor Entertainment and Distraction

Try to keep your pet inside and distracted. You can buffer the noises from outside by closing windows and curtains. Keep your pet engaged with interactive toys or training sessions. Playing calming music or having the TV on can also help to mask the sound of fireworks.


Updated Identification

Always ensure that your pet’s identification is up-to-date. Double-check the microchip registration and ID tags. Pets can get frightened and run away during loud events, so having the most recent contact information is crucial.


Patience and Reassurance

Two dogs sleeping together under the warm blanket

Maintain your calm and offer reassurance to your pet if they appear distressed. Extra cuddles and treats afterward can reinforce their sense of safety.


Noise-canceling Options for Severe Cases

For pets with severe noise anxiety, consult your vet about calming medication or noise-canceling options like ThunderShirts. Also, consider using white noise machines or calming essential oil diffusers to create a more soothing environment.

Remember, fireworks and loud noises can be unsettling for them. By following these tips, you can help minimize their stress and discomfort, ensuring a happier New Year’s Eve for both you and your pet. Let’s make this new year a comfortable one for our four-legged companions too! After all, they’re part of the family.

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