Senior Health Activities that Make a Big Impact in 15-Minutes or Less

Food and Nutrition Health and Fitness Health and Wellness

Seniors these days are just not satisfied sitting in one place and knitting socks! They want to be active adults and do things, go places, and basically, live full lives. And we say great going! It is the Baby Boomers that are coming into the seniors age group currently and BBs are a unique generation and will be even past 55+ age. They believe “retirement” is just a word, just as “age” is. If you are an active baby boomer, you understand the importance of your health. However, although you are concerned about it, you may not be prepared to spend long hours each day ensuring good health. Lucky for you, there are some healthy activities that you can consider to ensure health which doesn’t take more than 5 – 15 minutes tops.


Gentle Stretching Exercises

Stretching may seem like a basic physical activity, but its benefits are numerous. Stretching for 5 to 15 minutes every day can be extremely beneficial for baby boomers. Stretching helps to keep muscles and joints flexible, as well as, improve overall health. Stretching can increase your mobility levels and prevent falls. Gentle stretches early in the morning get your blood flowing and make you feel great. If you like this idea, consider yoga as this combines stretching and strength training and is suitable for all ages. The time required for this is less than 15 minutes.


Cook with Healthy Oils

The right oils are healthy for you while the wrong ones can increase your risk of cardiovascular diseases, heart disease, and cancer. Cooking with healthy oils means packing your kitchen with the right things so that you can enjoy your foods in the healthiest way. Stock your cupboards with olive oil as this helps reduce unhealthy LDL cholesterol levels. Another oil to stock up on is grapeseed oil. This too is healthy and has many nutritional benefits. The time required for this is less than five minutes.


Consider Supplements like Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are extremely beneficial for the brain and overall health. These fatty acids can only be obtained by what you eat. So, include salmon, sardines, walnuts, flax seeds, etc. in your diet. You can also include Omega-3 fatty acid supplements to your diet, which also can be beneficial for your health. The time taken for this task is less than 2 minutes.


Eat More Fresh Produce

Fresh produce provides extremely high levels of nutrients for the body. So, try and incorporate more fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet on a daily basis. If you are considering frozen or dried fruits and vegetables, watch out for the sugar content in these. You can include apples, bananas, cherries, kale, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, etc. in your diet. Whether you are considering a snack or a meal, fresh produce is extremely beneficial for your health. This takes up less than 5 minutes of your time.

Health is a very important issue for you right now. Therefore, you should always pay attention to what you can do to optimize your health. Simple health activities, such as the above, when done on a daily basis, can make a huge impact on your health and wellness.

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