Is Independent Living the Right Choice

Is Independent Living the Right Choice?

Lifestyles Real Estate Guide Retirement Guides

For many older adults, making any changes in moving can be considered as the loss of their independence. However, this does not have to be the case. Independent living is not about staying in your home. It is about making your life easy. In order to live an independent life, you need to acknowledge your limitations and, sometimes, accept assistance.

Here are three questions to ask yourself about independent living.

Is it possible for me to maintain my home?

Maintaining a home, as you age, can be a difficult task. Although it may give you the pride to keep a nice home and garden, it can also tax you physically. Outside help may be a temporary measure to consider. However, as time goes by, you may have to think about moving to a smaller home that is easier to maintain. Some active adult communities are excellent in these cases. These communities will allow you to live independently and give you more freedom and flexibility to enjoy your life.

Is it easy for me to connect with family and friends?

An active social life is an important factor as you age. This is what keeps depression and other mental health problems at bay. Human contact is necessary to stay vital. Sometimes, your home could be in an area where connecting with family and friends is not easy. Independent living communities are the best in these cases too because of their built-in social network of peers. There are plenty of people your age to hang around with and you will not feel any boredom or dullness in your life.

Do I have enough entertainment in my life?

Sometimes, entertainment options can be limited because of where you live. You may be living further away from these areas and may have to make a concentrated effort to attend social functions and activities. If you find yourself spending less time having fun, you should consider moving to an independent living facility. These active lifestyle communities provide onsite amenities and also provide convenient transport options to visit outside amenities too.

Independent living does not necessarily mean living in your current home. It means a way of making life easier for you. So, if you are answering these three questions negatively, it is time to consider your options.

This article is brought to you by®, the website that offers you more than 8,500 independent living communities to consider.