Make Time For You This Holiday Season

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Let’s face it, the holidays can feel a bit, or rather a lot like a rat race. Fighting crowds, attending parties, hosting family gatherings put pressure on us, leaving us feeling tired, and anything but relaxed. As you spend this busy time of year giving of yourself and spreading cheer, don’t forget the greatest gift you’ll give this season, is the gift of making time for you. Admittedly it can be hard to spend time or money on ourselves, but self-care helps us renew, and offer a fresh perspective. Most of you are probably asking yourselves where you’ll find the time to pause, but honestly, just ten minutes in a day can make a world of difference.

Creating a morning ritual to meditate, enjoy a cup of coffee, or go for a walk is a way to gather your thoughts, and savor the tranquility before heading out for work, errands, or whatever the day has in store. If venturing out for a morning jog sounds less than appealing, try some gentle yoga stretches to warm the muscles, and feel more focused.

Make an appointment for a massage, or acupuncture. There’s nothing better than releasing muscle tension and detoxing the lymphatic system than a therapeutic massage or acupuncture. These therapies are proven to improve mood and relieve pain with many clinics offering holiday specials to make it more affordable.

Enjoy holiday drinks, and indulgent treats, but don’t forget to balance them with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and water. Putting a strain on the digestive system by eating foods we’re not used to eating every day can leave us feeling bloated, and fatigued. This time of year, markets are full of seasonal produce to make heart-healthy, delicious meals to help break up the sugary festivities.

Sleep. In this day in age sleep is an afterthought when in all actuality it’s as critical as oxygen. Sleeping is when the body repairs itself, and replenishes lost energy stores. During the holidays, when traffic is at an all-time high, and late-night parties are in full swing, it’s important to get plenty of rest in between to stay alert, improve cardiovascular function, and even lower the risk of obesity.

Health and wellness are number one of course, but buying yourself a holiday gift is definitely encouraged! Is there something special you’ve been eying in the shop window, or online? Seasonal sales are a great time to buy, and it’s more than ok to spoil yourself for a job well done.