Are Eggs Good For You?

Food and Nutrition Health and Wellness

To eat or not to eat eggs. That is the question. There has been plenty of controversy regarding eggs over the past few years. So much conflicting information has been provided regarding the goodness and the harm in eggs, that you can be as confused as me about eggs and their implications. Hearing all this information may have stopped you from having a nice sunny side up or a good hearty omelet. So, what’s the real deal about eggs? Are we to eat it or are we to put it aside?


Eggs and Cholesterol

Eggs have been associated with high cholesterol since the beginning of time. High cholesterol increases your risk of heart disease, especially if eggs are consumed in excess. This is what we have been told. This is true and there is no doubt that the yolks of the eggs are extremely high in dietary cholesterol. So, what do we do? Consume only the whites? But that takes away the tasty part of the egg…. Here’s the good news. Research shows that dietary cholesterol is not the main factor that increases the “bad” cholesterol in your blood. Rather, the consumption of saturated and trans fats increases “bad” cholesterol. Eggs contain extraordinarily little saturated fats and almost no trans fats. Eggs are quite heart-friendly as they have a high content of omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, the American Heart Foundation recommended that everyone eat an egg a day. However, they added a condition to this good news. The American Heart Foundation stated that although you can eat an egg a day, the rest of your daily dietary cholesterol should not exceed 300mg.

Eggs contain approximately 5g of fat, although this is a good type of fat. Fat from the egg is good because a certain amount of fat is necessary for normal body function. So, you can get this necessary fat from the egg you eat daily.


Nutritional Benefits of Eggs

Now we come to the good part. This is about how good eggs are for you. A single, large egg provides a significant amount of nutrition. For example, one large egg provides 0.24mg of riboflavin or vitamin B2. Vitamin B2 is necessary for healthy skin and eyesight. 0.65mcg of vitamin B12 is found in eggs. Vitamin B12 is essential for DNA development. 23.5mcg of folate is found in a single, large egg. Folate is necessary for the formation of red blood cells. Apart from this, eggs are extremely high in protein. This aids in the build-up of muscles. Therefore, many athletes consume eggs. The elderly should not ignore this factor. They too should make use of this news and consume eggs to influence muscles. Consuming foods high in protein, such as eggs, can slow the breakdown of muscle mass which is a common part of aging.

Before you make yourself an egg, keep in mind that eggs mixed with unhealthy products high in saturated fats are not beneficial for you. For example, eggs in quiches and creamy scrambled eggs with loads of butter and milk are not what the doctor ordered. Instead, consider poaching, boiling, or dry frying to get the best nutritional value for your egg.

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