Four Active Hobbies for Seniors

Health and Fitness Health and Wellness

Active hobbies are good for you. They keep your mind sharp and your body moving. As you may be aware, it is essential to keep moving and keeping your minds sharp as you age. So, what are some great active hobbies that can help you? Let’s find out…


The Center for Disease Control states that swimming provides a variety of benefits, especially as you age. Swimming improves your health which is especially good for those with heart disease and diabetes. It decreases the risk of chronic illnesses, minimizes osteoarthritis pain, and improves joint health. The best part about swimming is it improves your mood and this, decreases depression. Many active adult communities feature indoor and outdoor swimming pools as they know about the importance of swimming for your health. So, make swimming a part of your daily routine.

Stretching, Yoga, Pilates

Stiffness is a common problem that comes with age. However, this can be prevented by stretching or doing yoga or Pilates. Yoga is especially popular with active adults as it improves blood circulation and balance. Don’t worry about twisting your body like a pretzel. There are many positions in yoga that enable you to stay within your comfort zone and provide you the maximum health benefits. Yoga and Pilates are often common activities in a number of 55 and over communities. If you live in one, make use of these facilities.


This is something that you can do quite comfortably. The most appealing factor of walking is walking with your neighbors and friends and keeping up with the goings-on in a community. Walking enables you to spend time with your peers and get a healthy workout at the same time. You can walk anywhere. If your community does not feature a walking trail, just wear your tennis shoes and walk in a mall!


Yes, dancing. Didn’t you know, this is a great exercise? Plus, doesn’t dance, alone or with a partner, make you feel good? You can consider any form of dancing. Try tap lessons, square dancing, swing, and even fitness dancing. These are all positive ways of keeping your heart healthy and build muscle and balance. So, put the radio on and shake that bootie!

Hobbies don’t have to be stamp collecting and painting. Hobbies can be any or all of the above. So, if you don’t have an active hobby, start considering doing something active now.

This article is courtesy of®, the website for all your retirement community needs.