
Great Hobbies for Seniors

April 19, 2023 • Fenny Peiffer

Hobbies for seniors

Is this for real? Is it really necessary to find some hobbies to keep ourselves occupied? Sigh….. yes, I guess. There are advantages to hobbies. Hobbies can help you to while away time in good weather and bad. Hobbies help you learn new things. Hobbies keep us occupied. However, finding hobbies, at our age, can be a little challenging. For example, these hobbies cannot be too expensive, as we need to watch the purse strings. But, they need to be fun. Hobbies also cannot be too strenuous, ‘cos let’s face it – we are no spring chickens! So, what are the most suitable hobbies for us seniors? Here’s a list that I compiled which I think is quite suitable if I do say so myself!

  • Walking – Ok, so this is not exactly hobby material, but it could be. Walking is extremely relaxing and is good for your health. We are constantly reminded by our doctors about how we need to exercise for our hearts etc. etc. So, so why not kill two birds with one stone? Make walking your new hobby.
  • Photography – Most people who take up photography end up loving it, although photography, as a hobby, is a bit pricey. Photography is a great way to look at the world, and your new hobby may take you to various destinations where you will meet all sorts of people. You can start with any old camera and work your way up from there. If you really want to, you can take some photography classes. These, I’m sure, are available at your local community college.
  • Scrapbooking – I have absolutely no creativity. Therefore, this hobby is a lost cause for me. But, hey, don’t let me stop you from exploring your creative side. Scrapbooking is a great way to preserve memories and explore your creativity. Do it once and see if you are the scrapbooking type. If you are, you will spend countless hours on this new hobby.
  • Take up a Sport – This does not mean you should try sports that are beyond your capabilities. Why not try tennis or golf? These are fairly low-impact sports and help you stay fit and healthy too. Make a date with a friend or a few friends in your community and enjoy the fresh air and the joy of the sport.
  • Start a Blog – Who says you are not tech-savvy? You don’t need to be a computer geek to start a blog. Blogging is not all that difficult, plus, it’s free. WordPress is a program where you can get free step-by-step instructions on how to proceed. So, get online and blog about anything you like. Use your advanced years to give advice to others or just ramble on about life in general. You will be surprised at how many people like your ramblings!

These hobbies are not too strenuous, and not too expensive, but let me tell you, they are fun. It’s never too late to start a hobby. So, the next time you are feeling bored and mopey, consider my advice.

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