Food and Nutrition

Health Benefits for 55 + Active Adult Seniors

October 25, 2021 • Fenny Peiffer

September Blog Featured Image (1)

5 Health Benefits of Blueberries You Never Knew About

There are several fruits and vegetables that are extremely high in nutrients. Carrots contain beta-carotene good for eyesight, oranges contain Vitamin C and broccoli contains iron and other nutrients, etc. You may be aware that blueberries are extremely high in nutrients. It is packed high with antioxidants and Vitamin C. However, did you know, blueberries are excellent to fight to age, lower blood pressure, protect the heart, and boost memory too? Well, they do.

  1. Blueberries Boost Memory – Dementia is something many elderly people worry about with the aging process. Extensive studies into the fruit have revealed the connection between blueberries and memory loss. Studies have shown that drinking the juice of wild blueberries for 12 weeks significantly improved and boosted memory decline in elderly adults with signs of early memory decline. This proves that blueberries contribute significantly to the prevention of dementia. If you are worried about Alzheimer’s, it won’t hurt to make blueberries a part of your diet and possibly prevent its onset.
  2. Blueberries for Heart Health – Heart attacks are extremely common among the elderly. Studies show that eating blueberries may prevent and combat cardiovascular disease. The results of these studies have been published in the Journal of Nutrition and go on to prove the antioxidants in blueberries reduce the oxidative stress that leads to heart disease. So, if you wish to avoid heart disease, eat some blueberries every day.
  3. Prevents Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) – The elderly are often plagued with infections of the urinary tract. Blueberries contain flavonoids that help prevent UTIs. These flavonoids prevent bacteria from binding to the lining of the bladder and prevent its growth, thereby, preventing the infection.
  4. Blueberries may Fight Certain Cancer – Cancer is a common disease, these days, and is not restricted to the elderly. It is believed anthocyanins (properties that work in the same manner as anti-inflammatory properties) in blueberries help prevent the growth of colon cancer cells.
  5. Anti-Aging with Blueberries – According to Dr. Oz, blueberries are the highest on his list of anti-aging fruits. He believes the flavonoids in blueberries keep your cells from aging and help you look and feel younger. So, if you wish to keep your skin looking younger, and feel younger, make blueberries a part of your daily diet.

Start your Day with Blueberries

Blueberries are best eaten with breakfast. Add it to your oatmeal and this makes for a delicious and healthy way to start your day. Here’s how…


  • ½ cup rolled oats
  • ½ cup fresh or frozen blueberries
  • 1 tbsp. freshly ground flaxseed
  • ½ tbsp. ground walnuts
  • Dash of cinnamon

Stir the oats into a saucepan of boiling water and cook for 4 minutes. Add the blueberries and cook until extremely hot. Mix in the rest of the ingredients and enjoy.

Now that you know about the health benefits of blueberries, can you really wait without making this a part of your daily diet? Avoid diseases, memory loss, and other problems by starting your day with this nutritious and delicious fruit.

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