New Year’s Resolutions for Active Adults

Lifestyles Retirement Guides

The end of the old year and the dawn of a new… This is when most of us decide to make New Year’s resolutions. What are your New Year’s resolutions? Have you decided to take up something good and give up something bad? If you have not, then this is the best time to do so. Here are five resolutions you can consider sticking to in 2022.


Resolve to Eat More Healthy Foods

Many of us tend to think twice about preparing meals, especially when it is for only one. So, we will consider throwing together some processed foods that are easy to make. Although easy, these come with a load of health issues that you really should try and avoid. So, this coming year, make a promise to eat more healthy foods.


Resolve to Exercise More

Exercise is essential for our age. It keeps our hearts healthy, joints functioning, and various illnesses at bay. Most of us are lucky to be living in active adult communities with various exercising opportunities that include swimming pools, walking, and biking trails, and fitness centers. Let’s use these facilities often and enjoy healthy lives.


Resolve to Try Something New

We are never too old to try something new. Trying out new things keeps you active in body and in mind. It keeps you alert and prevents dementia. So, try out arts and crafts, board games, learn a new language, familiarize yourself with the computer, etc. Many 55+ communities enable you to try out various things that keep your mind alert. So, go ahead and try out something new.


Resolve to Make New Friends and Reconnect with Old

Friends keep us young and happy. So, make new friends and, if you have lost touch with old ones, try and reconnect with them too. Many over 55 communities enable you to make new friends, so, make the most of this opportunity.


Resolve to Spend More Time with Family

Many of us take life for granted and never spend enough time with our families. This coming year make a concentrated effort to spend more time with family and to say “I love you” often. Remember, life is short, and tomorrow can bring unexpected surprises.

These are five New Year’s resolutions you can do without any problem. So, include these in your list of New Year’s resolutions for 2022.

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