The cover of the May 20, 1922 edition of the Saturday Evening Post featured a Norman Rockwell painting of an old couple listening in on their vintage radio. Those who grew up during the era of radio hour, can remember a time where the family gathered in the living room to tune into their favorite shows like Abbot & Costello, and Bob Hope. Classic radio programs are reminiscent of the good old days, and a nostalgic reminder of life before music videos, and DVR.
These days National Public Radio offers quality programming on a variety of topics, but baby boomers have access to something even more innovative. Boomer Public Radio founded by CEO, syndicated radio host, and renown writer Allan Holender has brought back what’s been missing from the air waves for years. Radio that brings back memories of lazy summer days, first dates, and the time you borrowed dad’s car to take a joyride.
With a similar feel to National Public Radio NPR, and Canada’s CBC, listeners will get to hear stories, news, and talk shows that they can relate to. Canada based A Boomer Home Companion has put the quality back into public radio with interviews, music, and celebrity highlights such as Johnny Carson. Designed with modern technology in mind, boomers can hear podcasts of these programs whether they’re in the car, at the gym, or in front of the fire.
Imagine turning on the radio to hear age targeted news, and information that speaks to you without wading through the noise of mainstream media. The boomer generation is a fast growing, and dignified demographic that deserves a trip down memory lane. Whether it’s listening to the big band stylings of Benny Goodman, or the latest political debate, active adults can take Boomer Public Radio anywhere for a taste of yesteryear.