Increase the Fiber Intake to Avoid Colon Related Issues

As we age, various parts of our bodies start shutting down or slowing down. Out of all common age-related ailments, the most troublesome issue is constipation. Research shows that the average American spends more than $700 million on laxatives. Infrequent bowel movements become more and more problematic as you age. What’s worse is that constant […]

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Walking and Jogging Keeps Active Adults Fit

It is common knowledge that exercise keeps you healthy.  Exercise is required for proper blood circulation, controlling your weight, combating heart disease, improving your mood, and the best news – it delays aging.  Engaging in at least half an hour of physical activity every day can be extremely beneficial. What generally happens, in reality, is […]

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Home Design Tips for 55+ Seniors for Large and Spacious Homes

Many 55+ active adults prefer to live in smaller homes as this requires the minimum of maintenance. However, there are instances when your small home may tend to smother you and cramp your style. If you are an active adult who has been wondering what to do with your small home, and how you can […]

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