Increase the Fiber Intake to Avoid Colon Related Issues

As we age, various parts of our bodies start shutting down or slowing down. Out of all common age-related ailments, the most troublesome issue is constipation. Research shows that the average American spends more than $700 million on laxatives. Infrequent bowel movements become more and more problematic as you age. What’s worse is that constant […]

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Group of seniors playing chess at the clubhouse

What to Expect from an Active Adult Community

An active adult community is an ideal choice for baby boomers reaching 55+.  They are communities where you can pursue your hobbies and passions that you may have put off up until now because you were too busy and saddled with work and family commitments.  Active retirement communities help you forget the burdens that came […]

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3 seniors walking to help strengthen their muscle

Health Tips for Seniors: How to Strengthen Aging Muscles

One of the greatest concerns associated with aging is the loss of muscle strength and tone. As we age, it becomes harder to keep our muscles healthy. These muscles get smaller and lose their density, decreasing the strength in our muscles and increasing the likelihood of fracture if we fall. What we must realize is […]

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