Senior having funduring holiday

Take a Holiday During Your Retirement Years to Recharge your Batteries

Very few people I know are willing to take the time to go on holiday. They rarely take the time for this enjoyable pastime. There are many reasons that very few people take the time to go on holiday. Most of the time, I think, it is because they are so bogged down with their […]

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What do Female Seniors look for in a Retirement Home?

Active adult communities are designed and built to suit the requirements of both male and female seniors. Most often, homes in these communities please both parties. However, there are times when women prefer different things in their homes than men. Women, no matter what age, tend to be quite choosy and adamant about what they […]

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Benefits of massage to seniors

Massage is Not Just a Touch of Luxury But a Healthy Therapy

Most often, when someone talks about a massage, it is considered something of a luxurious activity to be indulged in and be pampered. However, a professional massage session can bring many health benefits that include the reduction of stress and the boosting of the immune system. Staying active is one of the key features of […]

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Taking Care of Mental Wellness with Reiki

Your mental health has a huge impact on your life. Good mental health ensures you are able to be a productive and happy person. You have a better self-image, better relationships, better sleep, and better physical health. Bottom line, to achieve an overall balance in your life, you need both physical wellness and mental wellness. […]

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