5 Questions to Ask Before Picking a Retirement Community

Moving to an active adult community can be a fun and exciting experience. This means new adventures are around the corner. Although you may be sad to leave your home, there is a sense of expectation that may override these feelings. Normally, your move to an active adult community should go smoothly with almost no […]

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What do Female Seniors look for in a Retirement Home?

Active adult communities are designed and built to suit the requirements of both male and female seniors. Most often, homes in these communities please both parties. However, there are times when women prefer different things in their homes than men. Women, no matter what age, tend to be quite choosy and adamant about what they […]

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Should you Worry About Memory Loss?

It is common for you to forget where you put your spectacles or the car keys. Memory lapses are common occurrences associated with the aging process. You may experience frustration, lack of self-worth, and independence when such memory lapses start disrupting your daily life. This problem is called Age-Associated Memory Impairment and attacks short-term memory […]

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